Hablo Español?
We regularly get this question from applicants that are applying for rental properties using our TenantMagic online rental application. These applicants only speak and read Spanish. Our customer service reps did have some ability to accommodate them but we did not have a dedicated Spanish application.
TenantMagic’s Applications Now Available in Spanish
That all changed this month when we introduced a Spanish version of TenantMagic for rental applicants. The application and all instructions are now available in Spanish. The completed applications and reports provided to the property owner or agent are in English.
We made this very easy for the applicant as all they need to do is click on the Spanish option. And, it is even easier for the property owner or agent. There is there is nothing that they need to do once they enter the email address of their applicant to send them the link to their application.
According to the US Census Bureau, in 2019 Spanish was the language spoken at home by 39 million residents. Approximately 9 million of those residents indicated they speak English “not well” or “not at all”.
The problems that we encountered with applicants that only spoke Spanish ranged from long delays to their inability to complete the application. Typically, delays were due to the applicant seeking a translator to assist them or from errors because they did not properly understand the questions.
The solution was simple but not necessarily easy. Our team translated the entire application, including all instructions and correspondence into Spanish. This has resulted in a very smooth application process for applicants that only speak Spanish.
Not Available With Other Tenant Screening Providers
Somewhat surprising is that Spanish applications are not offered by other tenant screening providers such as Zillow, My SmartMove, RentPrep or TurboTenant.
At TenantMagic, we have learned that we can continually improve our business by listening to our users.
About TenantMagic
Jay Apple is co-founder of TenantMagic, LLC www.tenantmagic.net TenantMagic provides online rental applications and comprehensive screening reports at no cost to landlords and agents with outstanding customer service by phone 7days a week.
Applications and instructions now available in Spanish.
Contact Jay at 216.288.5044 or japple@tenantmagic.net